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Heart Health Hero Program

  • 15 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Welcome to 'Healthy Hearts for Kids and Teens,' an engaging online course designed to empower children and adolescents to adopt heart-healthy habits for life. An interactive online program where kids and teens learn the basics of heart health, including nutrition, fitness, and healthy lifestyle choices. The program includes fun quizzes, challenges, and videos that educate them on how to keep their hearts healthy. This course will guide participants through the essential components of nutrition, fitness, and overall well-being directly impacting heart health. Throughout the four learning modules, participants will understand the importance of a balanced diet, develop fun fitness routines, and gain valuable tools to monitor their heart health. Module 1: Introduction to the Heart (interactive video + quiz) Module 2: Healthy Eating for a Strong Heart (nutrition tips + recipe challenge) Module 3: Fun Fitness Activities for Kids (physical activity challenge) Module 4: Stress Management and Sleep (interactive activities + quiz) Final Challenge: Complete all quizzes and challenges to receive the certificate. By the end of this course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices about their lifestyle, encouraging a vibrant heart-healthy community. Our expert trainers and health professionals will support participants every step of the way, ensuring an interactive and enjoyable learning experience. Once they complete the course, they earn a Heart Health Hero certificate. Join us as we embark on this vital journey to foster a healthier future for all families!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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